A Haunt of Murder by Paul C. Doherty

A Haunt of Murder by Paul C. Doherty

Author:Paul C. Doherty
Language: eng
Format: mobi, epub
Tags: mystery, historical
ISBN: 9780755350537
Publisher: Hachette UK
Published: 2012-11-27T22:13:15+00:00

Chapter 4

Ralph stared down at the two corpses laid out in their makeshift coffins on trestles beneath the steps leading up to the keep. Theobald Vavasour had removed the crossbow quarrel from Beardsmore’s head and dressed the wound. Ralph felt a deep sadness. This young soldier, so full of life and energy, so determined to bring the killer of his lover to justice, now nothing more than a heap of dead flesh. In the coffin next to him lay the body of young Fulk, his face a whitish-blue. Despite all the efforts of the physician, his eyes would not remain closed; his face was bloated, his corpse soggy with water. Father Aylred had given both the last rites but it was obvious the priest was at the end of his tether. He forgot words and his hands shook so much that Ralph had to help him administer the holy oils. Sir John eventually sent him back to his chamber to rest then despatched Theobald to make sure he was all right.

Sir John scuffed the grass with his boot. ‘Adam, when you go down to Maldon, you’d best take Fulk’s corpse with you.’

‘How was he killed?’ Adam asked.

Ralph turned the sodden corpse over, displaying the bloodclotted hair. ‘A blow to the back of the head.’

‘And you, Ralph, are you all right?’

‘I’ve washed and changed yet again.’ Ralph tried to put a brave face on it. ‘I feel a little queasy from the moat water I’ve drunk but otherwise I’ll survive.’ He drew closer to them. ‘Sir John, the assassin killed Beardsmore but he was trying to kill me. It should be easy to find out where everyone was.’

‘I’ve done so already,’ the Constable replied. ‘Adam here helped me. Father Aylred was in the chapel, or claims he was. He had smashed an offertory cruet and was clearing up the mess.’

‘But I left the chapel just before meeting Beardsmore,’ said Ralph. ‘I never saw him there.’

‘That’s where he claims he was and I’ve seen the broken glass.’

‘And Theobald?’

‘In his chamber, poring over a book on alchemy.’

Ralph held his gaze.

‘I know. I know,’ Sir John murmured. ‘I was walking round the castle talking to this person and that. Lady Anne was in her chamber.’

‘And you, Adam?’

His friend stretched out his hands, the fingers covered in ink. ‘I was in the chancery office, Marisa was there with me. If you go up there now you’ll find the documents and manuscripts littering my table. I spilled some ink when the alarm was raised.’

‘That was one of the guards,’ Sir John informed them. ‘He was sunning himself and, by chance, looked over the wall. Beardsmore was down. He thought your assailant was outside the castle.’

‘Well,’ Adam sighed, ‘at least we know Fulk did come here.’

Ralph walked away from the coffins. ‘I suspect that the person Fulk met told him to leave.’ He smacked the heel of his hand against his forehead. ‘No, no, he didn’t do that! Sir John, Adam, come with me!’

They walked round the keep, through the orchard and across the overgrown garden to the Salt Tower.


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